16 September 2006

The splitter is here, the splitter is here!!!!

Yep, believe it or not, Splitter #2 arrived on Friday (still no idea where #1 went to). I came home from work and was thinking very unlovely thoughts about T-Online after not finding a package from them in my mailbox. But then, I got to my front door and what was laying in front of it? A small box from T-Online. YAHOO!!!!!!!
This morning, I saw a couple that lives in my building by the mailboxes and he said that he had signed for it and then brought it up to my door. Wasn't that nice???? What if he had refused to sign for it...So I thanked him profusely.

I have successfully set up the internet, but somehow, I can't get it to work with the wireless router. I need one of the techie geniuses I know (you know who you are...) to help me with this, I think. So at the moment I'm not wireless, which I don't like, because I LOVE to use my laptop while laying in bed..... :o( Oh well, one step at a time.

I did buy a webcam! So if you call me on Skype, I might even turn it on. :o)

I found this funny......

Although they say the closest match is Rachel Hunter (aren't they generous, matching me with a model at 73%!!), I think I actually look more like the Anuar Zain guy (in a brother, sister sorta way, of course). I had no idea who he was, so I looked him up....he's a singer from Malaysia.

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