03 October 2006

Tag der Deutschen Einheit

Today is "Day of German Unity." And while it's a holiday that shuts all the schools and shops down, it's not celebrated in the same manner as the American Fourth of July or other countries' national holidays. On Sunday I asked if there was anything "special" that would happen today in honor of the holiday. My question was met with fairly blank looks and I had to clarify "fireworks, parades, picnics?" No, there's nothing like that.

This holiday commemorates the reunification of Germany in 1990, when East Germany (German Democratic Republic ~ GDR) was integrated into the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany). The Berlin Wall came down on November 9, 1989, but this date was not selected, most likely because it is also the anniversary of Kristallnacht in 1938. Therefore, the day of official reunification, October 3rd, was set as the holiday. And this, I think, also provides clues as to why there are no real nationalistic celebrations of German reunification. This is a complex topic and I don't pretend to understand all the intricacies. But briefly and basically.....Nationalism and patriotism are sensitive topics here, largely because of the history of this country. It was nationalism that was abused by the political leaders to start a war that destroyed this country. And the post-war effects can still be felt and seen.

It's unusual to see private citizens with a German flag.....during the World Cup was the first time that many Germans purchased and flew the national flag. Germans don't stand for their national anthem. Many Germans complain about how bad things are in Germany. To be proud of Germany or of being German still carries some negative overtones. On one hand, that is, in a purely historical context, understandable. There are some aspects of nationalism, in all countries, not just here, which are negative and result in atrocities against other nationalities or abuses of power by politicians. On the other hand, Germany has reunified and rebuilt a pretty amazing society. Unemployment at 10.1% is higher than in the US (and Michigan), but crime and poverty are lower. Germans have a lot to be proud of.

So, since there's not much (of anything) going on today and because it's pouring rain (so not good for sightseeing), I have been catching up on US news. And sometimes I ask myself why I bother. What I have read today has brought me to tears. The schoolhouse shooting in peaceful Amish community in Pennsylvania, with 5 small girls killed and 5 others in critical condition. This is the third school shooting in the US in less than a week! Then I read about the woman on trial for murder in the death of her foster child in Canton, MI. Details aren't being released and of course she's innocent until proven guilty, but the very occurrence of the trial is saddening. And then there's the story about Rep. Mark Foley resigning after being confronted with his explicit online conversations with congressional pages, ages 16 and 17.

So I have to ask, what's being done to protect the children of America? If the Amish, who have to be one of the world's most peaceful societies, can't send their children to school without fear of violence..........

So then I decided to watch the debate between Gov. Jennifer Granholm and candidate Dick DeVos. Because certainly our political leaders have a responsibility here. And soon the State of Michigan will decide on their political leader, at least for the next four years......But what a bunch of fluff! I said before that I wasn't going to air my political views here, because you can get that lots of other places. But I would like to offer a few opinions/make a few observations on the debate.....

Did DeVos remind anyone else of a Televangelist, smiling at all the right places, or maybe even too much, and answering the questions without answering the questions? If he thinks Granholm has made mistakes, why doesn't he just say so? Why couldn't he give a straight answer to the question of whether or not he will consult his wife on strategic decisions? Sure, one way or the other people are going to fault his answer, but at least he could give one! You know the saying from your Mom - "Say what you mean and mean what you say." I think Mr. DeVos may need to be reminded of that. He didn't come across as an inspiring candidate.....

And Gov. Granholm. First a compliment, her voice was incredibly well-moderated. She's obviously been an excellent pupil of whomever taught her....But it just reinforced for me that she's all politician. And I thought she was rude. I know there were no rules, but interrupting her opponent and commenting while he's talking? And.....if she has such a spiffy plan to turn around the economy, why is Michigan unemployment at 7.1%, which is 51% higher than the national average? Why have thousands of jobs left Michigan in the last four years under her watch? I understand that Michigan is an automotive state and that with problems in the automotive industry, Michigan suffers more than other states in the US. But I don't understand how she couldn't have put this plan into action much earlier, it seems pretty convenient timing to the election. And I find it annoying when she repeatedly refers to the unemployed of Michigan as victims of the global economy. Our world is changing, it's a fact. And the governor should be the first one in the state to grasp that and see what needs to be done within the state to change with the times. And to blame the global economy, to blame Engler (4 years later), to blame Washington, to blame, to blame, to blame......Are you able to lay blame for your shortcomings at work on everyone else? Sure her job is different, but didn't she herself promise that 2005 would be the turnaround year? Where's the delivery on that promise? And finally, when the candidates had to provide one fact about themselves that would be news to voters, DeVos' response may have been cheesy, but it was an answer to the question. Is it just me or was Gov. Granholm making a pathetic attempt to garner conservative votes when she said that her father's an elder, her brother's an ordained minister and her husband was going to be a Catholic priest, but then they met "praise the Lord"?????

I don't think anyone "won" this debate.....and sadly, based on this debate, I'm not inspired by either candidate.

Well, that's my opinion, anyway.

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