08 November 2006

No prose for me today.

I'm tired. I'm not feeling very wordy or witty or inspired or anything. I don't feel like commenting on the elections. I don't feel like discussing Brittany Spears' petition for divorce. I only feel capable of thinking in short, concise, shallow sentences. Like this: I made french fries for my dinner. They didn't taste good. (I know, how can french fries not taste good? But they didn't.) (Or are they still being called Freedom Fries in the Land of the Free?)

Strange, because it's only 8:30, so I shouldn't be so tired. And I haven't posted since Sunday, so I should have more to say.

But I don't. Well, except to say that Jemma is making little holes in my blanket, because she pounces on my feet every time I move them under the blanket, grabs the blanket with her teeth and thereby makes holes. Fortunately, this is an inexpensive foam blanket from Target (an old friend which I will be visiting in a matter of weeks ;), so I don't care too much.

Oh, I do have a "fun" (read: embarrassing) story....I parked in my garage last night. But I parked right against the edge of the lift. So the hubcap was touching the metal side of the lift. And apparently, I didn't put the lift all the way up last night. So this morning, shortly before 6, my neighbor was leaving. She noticed that the lift wasn't all the way up, which is good, because if she tried to back out when the lift was not all the way up, she would damage her car. So she put the lift the rest of the way up. Apparently, because the car was in contact with the lift, putting the lift up shook the car significantly, causing the alarm to go off. At 6. In the morning.


So how did I awaken? To my doorbell ringing and my neighbor telling me that my alarm was going off. [Fortunately, the sound part of it only went off briefly and by the time I got there (in my pajamas, slippers and winter coat - it was freeeezing!), only the lights were blinking.] I'm sure my neighbor is tired of this dumb American girl who can't seem to properly use the garage.

Have I mentioned that I HATE my garage?

My Christmas wish list:
-an elevator
-a new garage/different parking system
-balcony neighbors that like me or at least pretend to be friendly
-a sun that does not set at 5 p.m.

What?? Are you doubting St. Nicholas' ability to deliver on these wishes??

Well, in that case, I'll share my material desires of the moment (although I refuse to decorate for Christmas until we have celebrated Thanksgiving - which we are going to do here, by the way - I'm bringing cranberry [thanks, Mom!!] and salad):

-a new camera....this one was recommended to me by my hmm.....he's my.......well, let's see, my dad's uncle is my great uncle. My great uncle's daughter would be my second cousin, right? Yes, that must be right, because she is my dad's cousin. And so her husband is my second-cousin-in-law? Or my second cousin's husband (whatevah, I said I was too tired). And I think his recommendation is worth taking, because he takes awesome pictures!! It's a beauty (the camera I mean). But do I need this many features?? No, I don't mean "need." I mean, if I have this many features on my camera, will I learn how to use them??

-a machine that makes fizzy water. Yep, I'm addicted to bubbly water. Just don't like flat water that much any more. But I hate having to buy cases of water and haul them upstairs. So they have this machine...you use tap water and inject the fizz (it's Carbon Monoxide, right?) into the water. I should just buy it, because it's offered on Ebay for 1 Euro plus 6 Euro shipping and handling for the whole kit and caboodle.

That's pretty much it. It's really not a long list this year. I'd like to find a couch, too, but I can't very well add that to my list, can I?

WAIT! How did I almost forget my biggest Christmas wish of ever and all time??? Which is:

That my HOUSE sells!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I've never tried bubbly water! Just so you know, Britney was the big news in the office the other afternoon. The girls and I are going out after work today for a venting session. First one we have had since you left, it just won't be the same!!! I will have drink in your honor...

Anonymous said...

Nice going on the garage/lift boo-boo Sarah! Sounds like something I might do!
Tuan's camera pick looks like the one Santa needs to bring you! He should know---his photos are awesome.
I look forward to reading your new posting every night. Sounds like you are having a great time!
Aunt Barb

Sarah said...

Sara H. - I hope you guys had fun! I miss that....I'm hoping you all will have time to get together when I'm there next month!!

Aunt B. - you figured out the comments!! :o) Tuan's photos are totally awesome and so I know his recommendation is good!!