02 April 2007

Moving Day!

Who would have thought that after only 8 months in my apartment, that I'd be writing that phrase already?....Wow and that means that I've already been in Germany for 9 months - I think that time really does fly!

Anyways, today is the big day. The cats already moved on Saturday and Jemma is totally freaked out in the new apartment, because she can't find any place to hide herself. It was so pitiful, when we went in yesterday, she was standing in the corner trying to make herself invisible. So I stacked some boxes on the kitchen counter and put her behind them, which made her happy until my friend starting drilling into the ceiling to make holes for the light fixture. Then she decided that the bathroom sink would be a good place. It was so cute.

So thanks to a very productive friend, all of the light fixtures were removed from the Feuerbach apartment yesterday and installed in the Fellbach apartment, along with a couple others that I bought at Ikea. (The old place already had some fixtures, the new place didn't have any, so I was short a few.) It's looking good. The whole time we were there, I kept expecting the neighbors to ring the doorbell and complain about the fact that we were drilling on a Sunday and until 9 p.m.!! But they didn't. They probably just sat there and thought evil thoughts about this new inconsiderate neighbor....Seriously, I think two or three drill bits were flattened by the ceiling, which apparently is made out of concrete or something similar.

Here in Feuerbach, almost everything is packed and what isn't will be in the next few hours. (Thank goodness for friends and a week of vacation!!) The infamous Kleiderschrank was disassembled yesterday and I think that (if I measured correctly) it should fit just perfectly into the Fellbach apartment. (If it doesn't, you'll be able to hear the grief I get from my "Engineer" friends all the way in Michigan.) (And I think I might cry if it doesn't fit.)

Yesterday we painted over a few spots in Fellbach, too, so the new place is looking pretty spiffy. Pictures are coming, I promise. The batteries in my camera are dead (if you looked at all the pictures I uploaded to Flickr, you can see why - overusage!). Plus it will look better/more interesting with furniture in it anyways. I have to get in touch with the moving guy today to see about getting my couch delivered out of storage. (yippeeeeee!!)

(I have to say how glad I will be when moving is over - so much to do, I am exhausted and the really hard work is coming this evening...)

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