07 September 2008

Life in 625 square feet

Have you seen the Ikea displays, where they set up a "house" in just xyz square feet? Those are a pretty good example of our life...I think the smallest one is only one room and we have a little more than that, but we only have 625 square feet. And some of that is our patio, because the landlord is allowed to add half of the area of the patio to the size of the apartment.

So when I married Marc and moved into his apartment, it was all about what we HAD to keep and what we could get rid of. Because we just didn't have the space for everything. Somehow, we managed to set up the apartment and were fairly satisfied with it. The rooms are small, but we got used to it after a while.

Or at least told ourselves we got used to it. But then, when we were honest, we had to admit that we need more space - our apartment is so chaotic most of the time, just because we don't have enough space for everything. So we started looking for a new apartment. But we are looking in a very specific area for a very specific type of apartment and a landlord which allows pets.

After being turned down for two apartments because of the cat, we recognized that we might be in our current apartment for a while. And tried not to be satisfied with that. But then it started bothering us that the bookshelf, which we were using as a room divider in the living room, blocked out a lot of light to the dining "area." (Because the window was in the living room "area.") So I got out the measuring tape and found that the bookshelf would fit against one of the walls. So with a lot of sweat and muscle, we moved the bookshelf (without first unloading the books).

And were pretty satisfied with the results:

The apartment search is still on, but at least you can sit at the dining room table during the day without having to turn on the light...

And when we were done with that, I made a cake, because we had company over on Sunday for cake and coffee. It was really easy to make, it tasted good and I think it looks pretty.

It's a ready-made torte base, then apricot jelly mixed with orange juice, then vanilla pudding powder mixed with orange juice, which is also mixed with cooked sugar and orange juice. Then whipped cream. And then lady fingers soaked in orange juice and melted chocolate on top. An hour in the fridge and it's ready to go.

1 comment:

turbobrown said...

The apartment looks great with the bookshelf there! Something was missing from the first picture and I couldn't figure it out. Then I realized it was me: laying on the "couch" that doubled as my bed during my visit.

Good luck on the apartment search. I hope you guys find the perfect one.

And way to go on the cake Betty Crocker!