31 May 2010

I think I might have to move...

if the weather doesn't get better soon!

It's raining. Again. Nothing new, I know. But it is the last day of May! And yet it is 53 degrees and raining. It makes me want to stay in my pajamas all day and never leave the house.

But that's what I did yesterday while it rained - stayed in my PJs all morning and read Stieg Larsson. So I would like to do something a bit more original today. Actually, I really want to go downtown - I need craft supplies to make decorations for Marc's PhD completion party (or whatever it should be called). But I have so little desire to pack up the Bean and then go out in the rain.

Ahhh, I need some sunshine and a good dose of motivation.

P.S. The LOST finale was such a major disappointment.

P.P.S. But the finale of Grey's Anatomy - now that was DRAMA! It had me bawling and really nervous. So nervous, in fact, I locked the door to the apartment, which we never do. It could have had something to do with the fact that Marc wasn't home.

P.P.P.S. Happy Memorial Day!!

1 comment:

turbobrown said...

I hear Michigan is really nice this time of year!