18 May 2010

Little Rays of Sunshine

You know that song you used to sing as a kid as you stared out the window at the falling raindrops and wished as hard as you could for the sun to come out: "Rain, rain, go away; come again another day."

It doesn't work.

I know, I'm sorry to burst your childhood bubble. But I have concrete proof that it doesn't work. Because I sang it almost every day for two solid weeks. (Just to entertain Noah, of course.)

And it just kept on raining.

Finally, finally it stopped on Sunday. It's still cool and the sun often disappears behind the clouds. These, however, are conditions I am willing to accept, in order to receive brief glimpses of the sun. And the clouds are of the "must photograph" variety:

(photos taken from the living room window)

I'm certain that you are now asking yourself how I survived these traumatic two weeks of rain.

Well, I'm glad you asked! Flowers, my friend, flowers! Blooming plants and cut flowers in the house....

and blooming flowers in the garden.

These are my little rays of sunshine.

And here is my big 7 month old ray of sunshine:

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