12 November 2006

Sarah's Screw-ups Continued

I don't share much about work, because I don't think it's something that I need to write about here and because I've now read enough stories about people being dooced (fired for what they've written on their blog regarding their workplace) that I think it's a better idea to stay away from that.

But Friday ended on a pretty funny note, which I think is worth sharing. My colleague and I had a mid-afternoon meeting at our headquarters, which is about a 20-25 minute drive from the plant. He drove, because he has a parking spot much closer to our building (he's at a higher level than I am). His spot has been moved, however, because of construction. So as we returned, I suggested that we park in my boss' spot, which is much closer to the building, because he was at a conference and would presumably not be returning to the office that day, as it was already 4. We had another meeting from 4-5 and I was just shutting down my computer at about 5:30, when my boss came into the office. Hmmm, can we say "oops!" As he came through to greet us (typical here - greet everyone in the office individually upon arrival), I said to him, "Mr. H. (we're on formal terms), your parking space is occupied." And he replied, "Yes and now so is the one from Mr. V" (a colleague in another department). To which, my colleague, to whom the car belongs, spoke up and said that I had recommended that we park there as we didn't expect our boss to return to the office that day. [Whilst that is true, I would like to point out here that it's his car, he was driving and he parked it there.] Mildly mortified and in full blush, I replied by thanking him very much for sharing that tidbit. To which my boss replied, in English: "Yep, he's a really nice guy, isn't he?" Which had the whole office laughing. A good way to end the workweek.

Although, I momentarily felt like doing this:
My cats like to sleep under the covers.
Or cuddled up together.

And one last photo. Recently, we had a really amazingly beautiful sky....


LeAnne said...

That's really funny :)

The cats are so cute!

Shannon said...

That is too funny!