27 July 2006


Okay, I think I figured out Flickr. But we'll see...if I did, then you can see the scenic photos from last Sunday here. And just for fun, here are some pictures of the Jemma...

I came home from work to find her here. This is a shelf on the upper kitchen cabinets.....Hmm, and I wondered what they do while I'm at work.

And then I woke up to find her here. She had found her way between the buttons on the bottom of the duvet, so that she's actually laying inside of it. She was all the way in there with her head covered, but I made her come out for the picture, which is why she's looking a little grumpy.

Yesterday I was required to go to an intercultural seminar. I was the only American. There were lots of Brazilians, some Chinese, some Japanese, an Italian, a Venezualan, an Indian couple, an Australian and a Korean couple. And basically we just had to say all the things we think are different (or strange) about Germany or the German people. We wrote these things on cards and then we talked about them. It was interesting to see how all these different nationalities found the Germans to be different. I didn't really learn much from the seminar, but I did find meeting all these people to be pretty interesting.

Tomorrow's the big move day. It's supposed to be cooler than it has been, so the movers should be happy. But it might rain, so that could be not so good.

It takes Deutsche Telekom about 10 days to set up the internet and the request went in today or will go in tomorrow, so posting might be a little sparse for the next couple of weeks.....

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