30 July 2006

What I know

Ok, so here's what I know. I know where I live - I can find my apartment without navigation, at least coming from a certain direction. I know that none of my stuff was broken in the move. I know my apartment is a mess....did I mention that there are no closets? So until I buy some cabinets or cupboards, most of my stuff (except what goes in the kitchen and bathroom) is lying all over my apartment. I know that I have climbed the stairs to my apartment 19 times in the last two days - both inside and out. I know that I never want to do that again in the span of two days. I know that the movers have a much higher number from one day - Friday. I know my cats are very confused. And I know that my couch did not fit through the doorway of my apartment. It's back with the freight company in their warehouse and they might be able to deliver it by an elevator from outside....if they can get the elevator to balance on the stairs outside my building and if it will fit through the door or window on my balcony. But that all might not be possible, so I know that I might have to buy a new couch. And my couch might have to stay in storage here for the next three years.
There are of course things I don't know, like which garage is mine and how the lift system in the garage works. I don't know if my neighbors can hear the cats when they jump down to the floor from the table, the bed or the counter. I don't know how the trash system here works.
But to go back to what I do know....I know that I'll figure it all out. And I know people to ask when I just don't know. And for that I'm very grateful!
I haven't made the guest beds yet, but they're in place. So email me with your flight information and I'll be sure to make them before you get here. :)
Pictures are to follow.....once I've cleaned up!
Good night!!!

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