14 August 2006

Imagine that!

Me posting twice in one day! Do you believe it?? Well, the guys from Bierstoffer came at about 11 or maybe a little bit before. I feel bad now every time that someone has to bring something heavy to my apartment....I have only seen grown men sweat so much playing sports. The one guy was literally groaning on his way up the stairs. When I rented this apartment, I definitely did not consider delivery men! But they were very uncomplaining about it....or maybe their dialect was just so deep (hmm, "deep" - literal translation from German....in English I probably should have written "heavy") that I didn't understand their complaints? Anyhow, here it is in all it's glory. May I introduce you to my Kleiderschrank??? I was very impressed by the professionalism of the delivery men. This was not the most expensive piece of furniture by any means and yet they took their time, used a level and everything!
Okay, Blogger is taking far too long to load the pictures. So instead, I am uploading them to Flickr here. I'm also going to try to figure out how to add that nifty little Flickr window to my blog.... (Andy, if you don't see that little window here soon, can you email me instructions???? I'm still trying to figure out how to make the links open in a new window!~Hopefully with this post, I've done it!)
Anyway, it may not have photographed well, but it's a beauty! Two sliding doors, one mirrored. Four shelves and two thingamabobs to hang clothes on. You might be able to just see the pile of clothes laying on the bed....I intentionally put them on the bed so that I have to hang them up before I can go to bed (maybe I can thwart my procrastinative tendencies yet!).
Is procrastinative a word?? Nope, Dictionary.com says "uh-uh." So, maybe I can lessen my tendency to procrastinate. There, that's better.
Can you tell that I'm in a much better mood than I was on Saturday? And that's despite the fact that it continues to rain here! And despite the fact that I learned today that the phone I purchased last week is definitely not compatible with Mac: "Dear Mrs Brown, i'm afraid, but there are no addition drivers or software for the Mac." Love, Philips. C'mon, people! Oh well....everyone needs at least one good return experience, right? I'll let you know how it goes...
If you find the mundane details of my life interesting (right now my mom is thinking that she could never find anything I write about mundane....), then I'll share with you that I bought another new kind of cat litter today. I absolutely detest the kind I bought last. It's disgusting (no details, I promise). And the kind before that smelled like baby powder which should be good, but just wasn't! So now I bought a third kind. Cross your fingers, please. If this doesn't cut it, I might be asking you to send me good ol' Arm&Hammer cat litter from Stateside. There are other options, too, but they only come in 20 liter bags and there is no physical possibility of me getting that kind of weight up to my apartment. I'm huffing by the time I actually make it all the way up with the 10 L bag!
Speaking, no actually writing, about cats, I have to ask again why they like the sink? Check out this pretty kitty....
Tomorrow morning I start my German lessons. At 7:30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 1.5 hours for at least the next six weeks, I will be at the ISD (Industrie Sprachen Dienst GmbH Stuttgart - you're glad to know what it stands for, aren't you??). I'm really happy about this. Even though I get my meaning through, it's frustrating to feel like a 4 year old at times, either not being able to find a word or hearing my own mistakes. So I'm really looking forward to these lessons. I don't know how people live here when they don't speak any German....or maybe if I spoke in English all the time, everyone would just reply in English?
By the way, I want to be clear that when I comment on German culture or people or whatever, it's not a criticism (unless of course, I were to openly write a criticism). When I point out differences, it's only so that you, my beloved friends and family, understand what my life is like. I've read a few blogs now by American Expatriates where they actually talk about detesting life here. I sooooo do not feel that way!
Okay, a couple more pictures. The view from my bedroom window is pretty great!!
And then, hot off the presses....snapped just moments ago: who needs knick knacks when you have cats?? Again, they just find the most interesting places to lay!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Thanks turbie!!!! And thanks for the hint about the comments. Low and behold, I had 50 comments to be reviewed....to bad about 40 were junk! I no longer feel neglected!!!! :o)