18 January 2007

Happy Birthday, Dad!

January 19, 19xx......that was the day on which my Dad was born. He's the sandwich kid...one older brother, one younger sister. My Grandpa owned several different businesses and I'm pretty sure my dad worked there....a laundromat and a car wash, at least I think. My dad was lucky enough to grow up on the west side of Michigan. I say lucky, because visiting my grandparents was one of my most favorite things in the whole world when I was little. To me, their house and the area they lived in were perfect. You'll have to ask my dad if he actually liked growing up there.

After college, he headed to MSU (since this post is in honor of him and because I have no particular college affiliation) - Go Spartans! What's your degree in again, Dad? Latin American Studies? No matter what it's in, my Dad has always worked in insurance, at least as long as I've known him. He's never been one to stay in one place for long, though. Fortunately, that didn't mean that we ever had to move out of the Metro Detroit Area....although there was that one time he talked about us moving to St. Joe. (I'm sure glad we didn't! - No offense to Bill & Rhonda.)

My Dad's always taken care of us. My mom's mostly always worked, too, but it has always been pretty clear in our family that my Dad is the primary breadwinner. And he's done a good job of it. Being the provider didn't come without it's share of sacrifices, including working as a janitor at our school/church, so that we could have a tuition break on some pretty hefty private school tuition. My Dad hasn't only provided for us financially, though. He's been a spiritual and emotional provider as well. And a provider of Red Wings tickets, trips to Boblo Island and lots of other fun things that I won't ever forget.

My Dad's always been kinda last-minute. One of my Aunt's favorite stories to tell is how every week, the whole family would sit on the couch waiting for him so that they could go to church. That trend has continued to date. I was pretty proud, though, because in 2006 he managed not to buy my Mom's Christmas present on Christmas Eve...I think he bought it on the 23rd instead!

But the good thing about being sorta a slow-poke....you get to enjoy life as it comes, because you're not racing through it. And that's something I've learned from my Dad. I've learned that if I slow down and enjoy, it's much nicer. And I've learned that you don't have to let the little things get you all worked up. My Dad doesn't get upset too easily. He's pretty calm. And that's an attribute I really admire. I've not been bitten by the adventure bug that my dad has. I have no desire to go mountain biking on trails that might send me flying over my bike handles or result in me landing in piles of mud. But maybe I did get some of that from him with the whole traveling thing. (I also got his calves. But sadly, I didn't get his teeth...how does that whole genetics thing work, anyway??)

My Dad never flinched at holding back my hair when I had the stomach flu. He's got a restaurant story for every occasion. He's an all-around handyman (he can replace a toilet!) And he always has advice to give on......well, pretty much anything you might need.

My Dad's over the hill, as the saying goes, in life years. But in Spirit, I think my Dad might be younger than me. Maybe that's something I can still inherit......

Happy Birthday, Dad! I love you.

(Sorry there's no pictures....Blogger's returning errors every time I try to upload.)

1 comment:

turbobrown said...

First of all, he was a Political Science major.

Second of all, you neglected to mention the emotional side, like the tearing up ad sappy commercials. You know he got teary-eyed reading your post.

Anyway, happy birthday dad!

We looked for you online today, your nephew wanted to visit with you. Hope you had a good day, and we'll try to keep an eye out for you tomorrow.