16 January 2007

I'm better!

Thanks for the emails and the comments. When I woke up this morning, I felt 100% better. I know it doesn't always work that way, but it was a good reminder that I need to pay attention to my health and when everything's saying slow down, slowing down might be a good idea.

Today I was back to work as normal. After work, I had an appointment for the cats to get their annual shots. I put Jemma and Cheese in one crate together, so I only had to make two trips down the stairs. I found the vet with no problem, it's really close, right in my town. Parking was the issue. Little did I know there was a parking lot behind the building. I parked down the street - a city block, maybe. Do you know how heavy those cats are? But there was no way I was making two trips that far, so I hauled them both. I really got in my workout today.

The vet was fine, but boy did I get lectured. I got lectured for the three-year rabies, because it's not valid in the whole European Union (my cats don't travel, it doesn't matter, as long as it's valid in Germany....which it is). I got lectured for having them declawed (it's illegal in Germany, you know - hey, they're American cats). I got lectured for not changing out of my work clothes (we ask the owners to hold their pets.....dude, cat hair is a regular occurrence on my clothing. It's removable, if you didn't know.) I got lectured for being late on their shots. (That one I'll take.) I got lectured on how fat Mac is (ummm, do they make kitty treadmills, cause otherwise....). I got lectured for not parking in the parking lot (nobody told me!). By the time I left, I felt sufficiently reamed out for the day. Really, she wasn't mean, but she was pretty harsh somehow. And I waited for a very long time. My appointment was at 6:15, but I was early and I didn't go in until 6:40 and I didn't leave until after 7:15. What happened to German punctuality??

Mac weighs a whopping 17.63 pounds! Holy cat, Batman! But even the vet admitted that he's very sturdily built - like we'd say about a person being big-boned. And at least he hasn't gained any since we were at the vet in May. Cheese did better having weighed in at only 13 pounds, down from 15 in May, and Jemma is, of course as always, the smallest with 8 pounds. And now they have these nifty little passports with all of their info in them.

After bringing the cats back home and lugging them upstairs (I really am going to buy harnesses and leashes so that they have to walk up), I went to a Thai restaurant in Stuttgart East for dinner for a meeting of the International Women's Club - Stuttgart. We sat at two tables and of the six women at my table, five of us are here because of my company (the husbands of the four others work there). But I hadn't met three of the other women before, so it was really nice. And I had a lovely curry dish, which I enjoyed immensely.

And now I'm going to bed.

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