13 May 2007

Happy Birthday, Buddy

15 years and nine months ago, we were a family of 5. And had been for 10 years. And then there was a suprise. A surprise named Seth. And while the addition of Seth to our family was a suprise, it was a surprise only in the best sense.

When my Mom said that she was going to have a baby, I hardly could believe it. When she gave my Dad the positive test wrapped in a gift box, I think he could hardly believe it. It was all so exciting...another baby....would it be a boy or a girl? (I have to admit that already having two brothers, I was pretty much hoping for a little sister....but Seth, I wouldn't trade you for any sister in the world.) When the ultrasound said you were a boy, the debate over names started and was only made more difficult by the fact that the siblings wanted a say, too. Mom wanted to name you Eli. But that seemed waaaay too old-fashioned. (Now I think it's a great name.) I think Seth was Mom's idea, too. I have to admit that I wasn't thrilled with it, because the only Seth I knew was a boy in my class who ate the core of his apples and was a real nerd. But it's a great name, a strong name, which means "placed" or "appointed" in Hebrew. And that you are, you're placed by God in our family.

I remember the day you were born. Mom had a scheduled C-section and we three kids got sent to school. I could hardly concentrate - I just kept staring at the clock, waiting for them to call my name to the school office to tell me that you had been born (Mom promised that someone would call school to let us know). And then finally, FINALLY, they called Andy and I to the office (Josh was in the other building in elementary school) and told us that you and Mom were both fine.

You were the most adorable baby I had ever seen. And you were good. You'll have to ask Mom, but I really don't remember you crying very much. I do remember cuddling with you. Especially when you were sick, you liked to cuddle. So that time you had the stomach flu, I had the pleasure of wearing the contents of your stomach....But I didn't mind, because I was so happy that you wanted me to hold you and nobody else. One of Andy's favorite stories also has to do with bodily fluids....the first time he babysat for you, you had it "coming out both ends" as Mom says. You even threw up in his shoe. I'll let him tell the rest to you....it's too gross for this blog.

For a long time, we thought you wouldn't talk at all. You just pointed at whatever you wanted, said "uh" and someone got it for you. Too many older siblings, I guess. But then once you started talking, well, you hardly stopped. I don't know which parent that comes from, but you and Josh definitely have that in common. And once you started talking, we had to be careful of what we said in front of you.....I found it pretty funny when Mom told me that she was driving with you and you were talking to the drivers of the other cars - "What are you thinking, driving like that?", "Yeah, nice cut us off..." and so on. She couldn't figure out where you had learned that. And then I had to confess that you had learned that from driving with me.....Boy, was I glad that I hadn't used any bad words!

I see all three of us "big kids" in you. You and I share a major love of reading. Andy was always the sportier one and you like to play football. You and Andy also look very much alike. And your sense of humor reminds me of Josh. But you're also very much your own person, too.

You're your own person on your way to being an adult. But I have to tell you that no matter how old you get or how far away from me you are, you're always going to be my baby. (I won't embarass you (further) by using my nickname for you, but you always be that to me, too.) I'm so proud of you, of who you are and I'm very excited to see who you'll become.

I love you very, very much. Happy, happy birthday!!

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