20 September 2008

Just feelin sorry for myself

I'm sitting here trying to get motivated to clean the house and pitying myself. Because

- We went from summer directly into winter here. It's cold! What happened to fall??

- I'm husbandless for a little more than a week, while my husband is on vacation in Romania with a friend of his.

- Yesterday's girls' night got cancelled because my friend is sick

- I had a hard time falling asleep last night, because I watched a scary TV show and see point #1

- The left arrow key on my laptop doesn't work

- This morning, my cereal ran out and I don't like Marc's cereal and I'm too lazy to go to the bakery around the corner

- I have to clean the house (alone! - see point #1)

- I go on a business trip tomorrow - SUNDAY!

- The flight for my business trip leaves at 7 a.m. - on SUNDAY! Fortunately, I will sleep at my in-laws, so I "only" have to be at the train station at 5:36 a.m.

- I worked until 9 p.m. last night to get ready to go on this business trip

- One week after Marc gets home, I will be gone for a week and a half on a business trip.

I think I'll go eat some ice cream...chocolate ice cream makes everything better! And since we're both going to be gone, there's nothing else to eat here anyways...

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