11 March 2010


Noah is teething. For several weeks now, I thought he might be, but just wasn't sure. He drools buckets and chews on anything he can get in his mouth. Recently, he was so tired and almost asleep, when he started crying again. Then he seemed to settle down to sleep, but then started crying again. This happened every 30 seconds or so and is not typical behavior for him. So I put some teething gel on his gums and suddenly he was out. This has happened a couple of times now. I can't feel any teeth, so it will be interesting to see how long this continues and which tooth/teeth actually come(s) in.

I want to make these cookies. We have some friends coming over on Saturday and if I can find molasses tomorrow, then I will make them for this weekend. Why is molasses hard to find in Germany? My brother-in-law, the Baker, said "that stuff is gross, only Americans would use it." Hmmmph. We'll see if he gets any of my cookies.....

I'm thinking about making one of these Brain Boxes for myself. Only I can't find the pretty index cards and dividers like she used. But I really do think it would help to keep me on track with housework. And maybe give me a little extra motivation.

I'm in the process of painting the toilet. But I don't think I like the color combination. *sigh* I'm going to try stripes on one wall and hope this will help me to feel like the two colors do mesh....the potential of a repaint is looming.....

We started a 6 month Wii challenge with friends of ours. She's so little, her challenge is to gain weight (seems like it'd be a nice problem to have....). For the rest of us or people-who-recently-had-a-baby (when does that stop counting as an excuse??), we have to LOSE. Our goal is to lose 22 pounds in the 6 months. I'm down about 2.5 pounds. So far, so good.

And finally, will winter EVER end? Spring provided a glimpse of it's sunshiny self, but now it's snowing cats and dogs! Tomorrow is supposed to be 40 and partly sunny, but then it's back to snow/rain on Saturday and Sunday. I have had ENOUGH!

1 comment:

melissa said...

Hi Sarah - linked on you blog from FB. Great to know of another Detroiter in a German-speaking country!

I have a little guy, about the same age as yours, who is also teething - fun times. :)

If you're ever in Wien, let us know!