24 February 2010

Where did the time go?

The Bean went from looking like this
at the beginning of October...

...to this at the end of October.

In December he looked like this

And today, at 4.5 months, he looks like this.

How did that happen?

He's rolling over (stomach to back), passing toys from one hand to the other, drinking 6-8 ounces of formula every 3-4 hours, sleeping through the night, giving open-mouth kisses, is fascinated by the cat and LOVES his papa. He wants to sit up, not lay down, is incredibly curious and enjoys listening to music. He watches us very carefully when we eat, puts everything in his mouth and might just be teething. He has had a cold for almost a month and a half, but that doesn't change his sunny personality. He loves taking baths, hates having his nails trimmed and has the most unruly hair you've ever seen in your life. He'll only smile for the camera when I don't use the view finder, but instead make funny faces at him. He has more nicknames than one kid probably should. He's growing into size 68 (4-6 months) and out of 62 (2-4 months). He finds blond-haired people fascinating (there just aren't that many in his life) and likes a pacifier when he's tired.

He's simply the best bean ever.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

He is SUCH a cute little bean! I love that he has a ton of nicknames, so do our poor kids! Kailee may not ever know her real name!
I love that he is fascinated with blondes :) that means I can hold him the whole time we are in N.C.-OK maybe not the whole time, your parents would kill me.