02 September 2006

Another Saturday come and gone....

We've gone two whole days without rain! It was a nice day today, although it looked like rain as the afternoon progressed, so I wouldn't be surprised if we're still in for some tonight. Today I did a little shopping - little being the key word, because my ATM card is broken (well, I guess broken isn't really the right word, but the magnet strip stopped working), so I actually have to go into the bank during working hours to obtain money, which means that my spending ability is very limited at the moment, as I'm not interested in carrying around massive amounts of cash and because it's hard to get to the bank during the week.

I bought this cute little....hmm, don't have a name for it exactly, but I bought it to hold my jewelry (I layed the hairbrush in front of it for size context :)

Isn't it cute? Even in Michigan, I had my jewelry in a ziploc bag (whereby you can tell I don't own anything valuable), which meant that I pretty much didn't wear more than two pairs of earrings. This way, they'll all be accessible.

I now have a dishwasher. And since I don't want to run it when it's not very full, I never seem to have enough clean dishes. So, I decided that I would buy another set and I found a set of these on sale for only 15 Euro.....4 plates, 4 bowls, 4 dessert plates, 4 mugs and I think it's adorable!
For the same reason, I needed more silverware, so I also went to Ikea today to purchase more of the same silverware that I have. I also bought Jemma this cute little butterfly toy, in hopes that I can switch her from the baby socks to an actual cat toy. We'll see how successful that is.

And here I'd just like to add that in traveling around to various locations today, I did NOT once get lost!! That's a super-huge achievement!

Then, just for fun, because I had my camera in the kitchen to photograph the dishes when I took my dinner out of the oven, I took a picture of that too:
It looks like pizza, but it's actually Pflammkuechen. It's delicious, it's enough for at least two meals and when you come to visit you can try it too!

My saga with T-Com continues. I mentioned that I haven't been able to properly set up the Internet, because I haven't received my password from them yet, which I attributed to my difficulties with the mail when I first moved into my apartment. So I wrote them an email asking them to resend me my Internet access data. They wrote back that I have phone service, but that I'm not signed up for internet service with them. I wrote back that I had just paid a bill for a DSL installation fee and my first monthly charge for DSL and asked them to please explain what I am paying for if I'm not signed up for internet. We'll see what the response is....

{It's now raining, just as I predicted it would....I really do have a promising future in weather, don't I??}

My cousin finally got his website up and running. He, like my brother, is a computer genius. So while I love the title of his first post (so clever, Matt!!), I have no idea what he's talking about in the third paragraph! If you can answer his question, then you earn one million billion kudos points (not the candy bar, the congratulations). Make sure you click on the tabs at the top of his page (About, Contact, Features), because the little commentary is sure to make you laugh! I personally am really, really looking forward to the photo gallery!!!!

Tomorrow I'll be at the FeG Stuttgart (hopefully, I won't get lost trying to find it!!). I've now been officially invited by 4 separate people, so I feel very warmly welcomed and I haven't even been there yet!! :o) I'm looking forward to meeting these people!! And then in the afternoon, I don't know, maybe the art museum (I didn't make it to the art museum or the zoo today, I was simply too lazy (or "faul" in German). And it's actually a Monet exhibit, not Renoir, but interesting all the same!

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