01 September 2006

Have you seen Mr. Mom?

It's a movie from the 80s with Michael Keaton and Teri Garr. He loses his job, so she goes to work and he stays home with the kids. It's pretty funny, if you haven't seen it, you really should rent it (for those of you who know her, I first saw this movie with Jena at her house, so I think of her everytime I think about/see this movie). Anyway, I was thinking about Mr. Mom because of the "Woobie." In the movie one of the kids has this blanket that he calls "Woobie." I can't remember much more than that he carries it around all the time and his dad almost vaccuums it up with the vaccuum cleaner. Cassie, my parents' dog, who now lives with my brother in Chicago, had this stuffed toy that she would carry around everywhere. So I started calling it her Woobie. {Are you keeping up with my train of thought here? I'm coming to the point eventually...} Well, I think Jemma (my little cat) now has a Woobie also. Her Woobie is a baby sock. Hmmm, {you wonder} how did Jemma get a hold of a baby sock?
after Mac & Cheese were declawed, it didn't go so well. It was between Christmas 2004 and New Year's 2005. I wasn't having the best week (and it only got worse), because I got the stomach flu around 11 p.m. on Christmas night. I still wasn't feeling great two days later when I picked them up from their declawing (my mom had taken them because I was so sick). For some reason, the glue they used wasn't sticking, so their paws were bleeding a bit. I called the vet, who said to wrap their paws with gauze and see if the bleeding stopped (eventually they had to go back in to get "reglued"). Well, I didn't have any gauze, so I went to the drugstore and bought some. No sooner had I wrapped their paws then they were pulling the gauze off. What could I do to make it stay on? Aha, thought my illness-influenced brain, I'll go to Target (boy, do I miss Target....Target and Diet Coke!) and buy some baby socks to put on their paws over the gauze and that will keep it on. (Man, when I write this out, it seems really stupid, but at the time, it seemed like such a good idea!) Well, {I was going to write as fate would have it, but I don't believe in fate, so...} as it turned out, it was when I was coming home from Target with the baby socks that I was rear-ended by a pickup truck and my car was totaled. So that really, really was not the best idea I ever had. Anyways, after the policeman brought me home (that can be a story for another time), I tried to put the socks on the cats. Yes, you can laugh now, if you're not already. Needless to say, it didn't work. Cat's paws and baby's feet are not the same and the socks intended for baby don't work for cat. So the socks got tossed in the linen cupboard and because the movers move EVERYTHING (seriously, if you don't empty your garbage cans, the trash is goin' with you!), the socks came to Germany with me. And I don't even know where they were, but Jemma found them (she finds everything!). And now she is carrying them around the apartment in her mouth (I promise I give my cats regular cat toys, but no, she likes hair bands and twist ties and baby socks). All that to say, Jemma has a Woobie. If I can manage to get a photo of it, I will share it with you.
I did more laundry yesterday and it's become apparent, I'm definitely going to have to iron. Everything just comes out pretty wrinkled. If you know me well, you know that I hate to iron. I'm just lazy when it comes to ironing. And I'm really not that good at it. I always find wrinkles after I iron, once I put on the article of clothing that I have ironed. (One time, I saw a wrinkle on the shoulder of my shirt after I put it on. I couldn't be bothered to take it off and iron out the wrinkle and since I had already unplugged the iron, I thought it couldn't be that hot anymore. So I tried to iron out the wrinkle while wearing the shirt. Well, I burned myself. And at that time, I was working in the doctor's office. So imagine how it was to go into work and ask for treatment for this burn where my neck meets my shoulder. Of course I had to tell what I had done. So that became a big joke around the office. One of the nurses very shortly thereafter received an email with a list of warnings on products that seem so self-explanatory that they shouldn't even be necessary.
What was one of those products? An iron. What was the warning? Do not iron clothes while wearing.)

~Wow, this particular post does not leave you with the impression that I'm very intelligent, does it??~

Just so you're keeping up with the weather here in Stuttgart, today was gorgeous! Sunny, high of 75 degrees, not a cloud in the sky - just beautiful! Tomorrow will be in the mid-60s, but it's supposed to rain. I thought I would go to the zoo tomorrow, but maybe I'll go to the Renoir exhibit at the art museum instead. We'll see....Sunday should be nice, again in the 70s, Monday in the low 80s (!!) and then back to the low 70s as we progress through the week. It's a lovely start to the month of September! (Hmmm, maybe if I ever need a new career, instead of a test engineer, I could be a weather girl! ;o)

And now, because I had nothing better to do and because my little brother is so curious about the layout of my apartment, I present you with.....my floor plan:
It's totally not to scale!! (Obviously, my bed isn't actually as big as my bathroom, though it's probably pretty close! And it only took me like an hour to put it together....) But it gives you a pretty good idea of where I live. And where you'll sleep when you come to visit. :o)

Have a fantastic weekend!!

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