15 January 2007

I'm sick

No, not in the head, but physically sick. It's not bad, really. It's that kind of sick where your head hurts, you're exhausted, your stomach is all out of sorts and you just can't think straight. I've been much sicker before. I've had strep or a sinus infection or an ear infection (yep, as an adult...). I'm sick enough that I came home from work. At least I made the effort of going into work. But I just couldn't stick it out.....why risk making anyone else sick and why not just go home and rest in order to get better. So that's what I did. But now I'm bored. Since I have no couch, I don't have anywhere to lay in the living room and watch TV. And I don't feel like sitting in a chair to watch TV. I've read all my emails, I've read all my usual blogs, I've updated my own blog (do you like the new template?), I've registered my new camera......
So.....I'm downloading Season 1 of Lost from iTunes. I hope it's as good as everyone says.......'cause I am really bored.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are a hockey fan -- Liz, since she is going to Northern in the UP, is now hockey everything, not to mention that her roommate dates a star on the wildcat team and Liz writes his papers for him -- so he returns payment by buying them occasional hockey tickets. He is only attending NMU to build himself up a bit - like bulk -- he's drafted to the Canucks. I can't believe you girls love this game -- my question at games is "where IS the puck" my eyes are not made for the speed. Your pics of the hockey game are totally awesome - you and Liz Larry should trade shots!

LeAnne said...

I'm so sorry you're sick! i was two weeks ago and still have a cough... praying you feel better soon!