24 February 2010

Olympics and other thoughts

I haven't posted since October 2008. Wow. I have taken breaks before and every time I start blogging again, I promise that I'll keep it up. But given my history of not keeping it up, I'm am not going to make any promises. I do, however, generally have more time on my hands these days, so it might just work out this time.

So I intensely dislike the fact that the Olympics are taking place in Vancouver. The time difference with Vancouver is 9 hours. Which means that a hockey game at noon in Vancouver is on at 9 p.m. in Germany. And the ones that we really want to watch are on at 2 a.m. Not to mention that I have seen 0 ice skating, because it's on so stinking late. The Germans seem to be in love with all things skiing, so we get a lot of that in the prime time.

Being the nuts that we are, we decided to actually get up at 2 a.m. in order to watch the Canada vs. US hockey game. It was a good game, worth getting up for. Thank goodness for the Swiss, who televised it. If it were up to the Germans, we wouldn't have been able to see it at all. (As much as I like hockey, I'm not willing to pay for it on iTunes.)

But I was a bit horrified at the end of the game, when the moderator mentioned that the schedule of further games is not yet available, because the American TV station broadcasting the Olympics has to talk with their advertisers before they can determine who will play whom when.

Now, my Swiss German is not as fluent as my German and it was 4 in the morning, so I thought that I might have misunderstood. So I asked Marc if he had heard the same thing that I did (his Swiss German is better AND he needs less sleep than I do). He had indeed heard the exact same thing.

Why did I find that so disturbing? I think it's because I personally think that the Olympics should be about, well, the sports and the Olympians and not about if the cornflakes folks would prefer to have their advertising during the US or during the Canadian game. Maybe I'm being too naive?

In other news, it's 50 and partly sunny here and I am LOVING this preview of spring!

I made these cookies last week. They are YUMMY! But dangerous to have in the house, because you cannot possibly eat just one....To help with this problem of not eating just one and the excess post-baby weight that's still hanging around, I bought a Wii on Ebay this week, including Wii Fit Plus and the Balance Board. I'm very interested to see what kind of a workout I can have with Wii Fit.

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